The contents of these website books are the intellectual property of P. Robinson and are subject to normal copyright protection.
(Copyright © P. Robinson 2023. All rights reserved)
Although this website is a proposal for ‘MOST PROBABLY’ and ‘THE OPENING OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION’ to be published as a hard copy book, in the meantime it is also a free online book for anyone to read. Therefore, the reader is welcome to download the chapters to their device to read at their leisure. The concept or view of the God story as a non-literal parable cannot be owned by any individual, therefore it can be commented on and re-explored many times over. Even so, no one has ever solved the God story riddles in a logical and purposeful that makes any kind of sense. The reader is therefore asked to respect the copyright notification and not to directly copy any part of these two books.
What is The God Model?
The Christian Bible is made up of many stories and the exploration of this book calls the whole of them ‘The God Story.‘ The traditional interpretation of the God story is of it being literal truth and historical fact, and this is the foundation of all Bible-based religious belief. The devout and faithful believe the characters in the stories actually existed as real people and the events described in the stories really did happen. In our times though, most people no longer believe in a six-day creation or a talking serpent, nor that a virgin can conceive and give birth and the dead can come back to life again. Even so, although the God story tells of impossible events we can no longer accept as literal truth, it is the nature of spiritual faith that some still choose to believe in such things. The choice therefore is to either suspend disbelief to keep the faith and perpetuate the self-imposed myth, or we remain as unconvinced atheists.
There are three basic takes on how to interpret the God story of the Bible. Either as literally true and historically factual, or for the atheist it is a meaningless fairy-tale not worth bothering with, but for the inquiring agnostic, what if it is more likely to be a parable of moral philosophy? If it is the latter, then we can begin to take the God parable seriously without the problem of the supernatural element so crucial to religious belief. Even among the faithful, some of the stories of the Bible are seen as being too far-fetched to accept as being literally true, and this leads to a bit of literal and a bit of parable mixed in together. But where does literal end and parable begin, and where does the general confusion end? The God story is therefore open to multiple interpretations among the God faithful, hence three world regions each split into a myriad of different denominations, sects, and cults. Because ‘mystery’ is a main component of the God story, interpretation ranges from the serious and studious to the mad and ridiculous.
The God story is shrouded in a mystery, and the Christian faithful believe it is impenetrable. The belief is that one day God will make himself known by the second coming of Jesus who will explain all things. For the inquiring agnostic though, there will not be a supernatural second coming of any kind. So how will the mystery of the God story be solved? Hope is not lost though, there is a prophecy running right the way though the Bible saying that one day the mystery of the God riddle will end, and the book of Revelation states this as “The Mystery of God Shall be Finished.” For the non-believer, if there cannot be a divine intervention by a God that probably does not exist, then how can the mystery of the god story end unless we apply our minds to solve the God riddles for ourselves?
The ’mystery of God’ has been sitting there for around two thousand years and the collective of all the faithful of all of the Bible-based religions have failed to make any real sense of the God story. If it is questioned in any way other than as literal truth, then the fear is it will lead to the failing of their faith, after all, if there is no actual god in the God story, what is the point of religious belief? And of course, what would be the point of the atheist trying to solve the God riddle if they do not believe in God. This is the paradox, the faithful will not question the God story because they believe in it too much, and neither will the non-believer explore because they believe too little. However, there is a strong likelihood that God story is ‘most probably’ a parable of moral philosophy, and it will likely be the inquiring agnostic who will solve the God riddles so that the “Mystery of God” can be finished.
Parables are fictional narratives their authors use to convey a deeper message to their readers. Therefore, if the collective of all of the stories that go to make up God story into a greater parable also have a secret message contained within, then we could call it “The God Model.” It is a model in the sense of it being an abstract philosophical definition paralleling the human condition of moral decline and eventual recovery. If this is so, it raises the question of why the collective of the Bible authors did not just say right from the beginning that their stories are parables? Well, as it says, “to some it is given to understand the mysteries of the kingdom, others must be taught in parables.” But if the God story is a parable, how can the faithful understand it as such if they believe it to be literally true and historically factual? The reason is that probably some could have understood, and others simply did not have the head-space for the sensitivity needed to comprehend an abstract model of the human condition of moral and immoral existence. Sadly, this is still true of the faithful to this very day.
We know the God story was written a long time ago in very dark ages, and superstition ruled in the minds of the people of the ancient world. We also know there were many gods around at this time long before the God of the Bible came along. If the collective of the authors of the God story were philosophers trying their best get across a greater message of moral values to people of limited perception, it would make sense to create parable-stories giving the people a god to believe in. At the same time, their secret message was woven into the stories and would be kept safely preserved for the more perceptive to understand if they choose to look though and beyond the narratives. We could say that although “many were called” to the story, “only a few were chosen” to understand the secret testament of the God story as a philosophical parable.
Traditionally, those who desire a god to believe in will come across the God story and interpret, ‘as it reads, so in must be.’ For the impressionable minds of the lesser thinking, it works, and they get their god with the hope of miracles of healing and an afterlife in paradise. However, the God myth hangs on the very mystery that protects and hides the deeper message as a great parable. If mystery should end, then the myth must collapse, and religious faith would be thrown onto chaos and confusion. When anyone engages with the neutrality of the God story, those ‘many’ who interpret literally will come up against ‘mystery’ and will be led into the mental captivity of the ‘Babylon’ of the God myth. However, those ‘few’ who can interpret the God story as a philosophical parable will be much more likely to discover the secret testament called the God model that is hidden inside the God story narratives. The God myth can learn us nothing in the way of enlightenment, but the secret testament ‘hidden within,’ is the truth that can set us free from the mental captivity of the ‘Babylon’ and ‘Egypt’ of not knowing how the God riddle works.
Read this book and you will very ‘Most Probably’ become one of the very few “to whom it is given to understand the mysteries of the kingdom” of the God model. And you will find the secret testament of the God authors hidden beneath the surface for so long. Our exploration will take us through the basics of ‘Alpha’ the beginning, and ‘Omega’ the ending of the God riddle. We will find out who the mysterious '666 Man' really is, how to actually count the number of the 'Beast,' and who or what the 'False Prophet' is. In learning how to interpret these old riddles written by philosophers of the ancient world, we will be able to join each of them together to discover the mysterious testament of the ancients that has had to hidden for “time, times and the dividing of time.” Moreover, we will learn how the resurrection of the Christ story actually works as an abstract philosophical model of the removal of sin, and we will also discover what the real original sin was and still is to this very day.
The difference between the exploration of ‘Most Probably’ and other God searches gone before, is we are not looking to find God anymore, but instead we expect to find a philosophical parable created by thinkers and philosophers of olden times. To find an external God that does not exist is pointless, after all, have believers themselves ever found their God? Whereas, to find the hidden meaning of a parable created in such dark ages that it could not have been expressed openly at that time or since, certainly is possible in our more enlightened times. This exploration assumes there is a secret testament running parallel to the God story, and it is an abstract image of who and what we all are in the moral sense.
The reason why the faithful have not been able to solve the God riddle is because they cannot see the stories of the Bible as parables. They are therefore blinded by their faith. We should acknowledge that the many riddles the God story uses cannot be solved as supernatural mysteries, but if viewed as philosophical conundrum they become relatively simple to understand. The exploration will give us knowledge of the secret testament of the God model of the ancients, but it will be at the loss of beliefs based upon old false assumptions. Needless to say, exploring the God story as philosophical parable will not be to everyone’s liking.
The faithful have so much head space invested in the literal interpretation of the God story that change becomes unthinkable. Even so, with our orientation of search heading in the right direction, away from the God myth and towards the abstract model, there is no reason we cannot solve these old riddles that have eluded so many for so long, and that the “MYSTERY OF GOD CAN BE FINISHED” once and for all time. However, myths are supported by mystery, and as soon as the mystery of the God story ends, the God myth must collapse. Therefore, the exploration of Most Probably might not be a venture for the traditional mind of the devout and faithful.
This new exploration of the basic God story assumes it must be a parable, not literal truth, and historical fact. What will happen if we re-read without the problem of the six-day creation, the talking snake, or having our minds cluttered up with trying to make sense of a virgin birth and dead people coming back life? Will we be able to solve the God story riddles in a way that give us insight into the secret testament that lies just beneath the surface? The answer is that we will not know unless we try. The believers in the God myth have very little understanding, and what they do have, even that little shall be taken away. Whereas for those who have much understanding, even more shall be added, tenfold, thirtyfold, and even a hundredfold. This is Bible prophecy, but it can only happen if the God story is understood as a parable of human moral existence.
Readers should be aware that this exploration is not the usual attempt at understanding the Bible mystery to try to find proof of God. It is purely an agnostic exploration of the basic God story if studied as an ancient philosophical parable. Some will see this kind of study as atheistic in nature, and therefore might not be to the liking of the God believers of the various Bible-based religions. However, if we don't ask questions, how can new knowledge come into the world?